Thursday, December 9, 2010

On the second day of christmas~

It's the second day~~~Today, my present is presented to my Psychology lecturer - Ms Eunice. Though she has only been my lecturer for more than a few weeks, she proved that she can endure a nuisance like me and my cache of random questions. XD She's quite lovely and tries her best not to choke me so I thought of giving her sth. Truth be told, she was not on the initial list until further time XP.

On to the card!!!!
So, my card started off on the left.
A simple stark x-mas tree with ntg on it. Even the background is plain.

With a touch of my amateurish cutting and decorating skills, the card transforms into this:

Sorry bout the bad camera angle (>.<) Notice the puppy behind? It's part of the gift. It's a dooodoll product. Honestly, I have no idea what to give her so I throw a dart at any of the animals displayed on the shelves.

Here's the back of the card. Btw, it's just a simple square lousy-made card with various christmas decors.

Tmr, I shall display the final two, after I am done with my class and whatever randomness that I have scheduled to partake =D

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